Polymorphosis in Norway

6pm, on the 6th of September, at Huser Gård in Nes, Akershus, Norway
The Muutos company is honored and delighted to soon share it's solo Polymorphosis in Norway ! This will take place as the opening of the Sansefestival in Fenstad, close by Oslo.
What could be a better stage to present this danse piece inspired by Nature, than a place surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of Norway ?

How to get there: You will find Huser Gård at Huservegen 120, Fenstad in Nes, about 50 minutes drive from Oslo.
husergard.no Bus/train: From Oslo you can either take the train (L13 Dal) to Jessheim, and from there a bus (440 Fenstad) to Fenstad kirke. Or you can take the train (R11) to Eidsvoll and bus (441 Fenstad) from there to Fenstad kirke. Huser Gård at the end of the Huservegen, a 1,5 km walk from Fenstad kirke. Transport: www.ruter.no
For the full programm of the festival, see below.

Duration : 55 minutes For all, starting from 15 years old Artistique team Conception, choreographie and dance : Claire Hurpeau Music : Gilles Monfort Light design : Fanny Perreau et Cyril Balny Outside view : Alice Godfroy Partners Production : Artenréel #1. Co-production : Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin / CCN de Mulhouse. Realized with the help of : Théâtre du Marché aux Grains and the Agence Culturelle Grand Est. Residencies and home studio work at : Réservoir Danse de Rennes Métropole, Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin / CCN de Mulhouse, Théâtre du Marché aux Grains de Bouxwiller, Espace Malraux de Geispolsheim, Centre Chorégraphique de la Ville de Strasbourg, Pôle-Sud / CDCN de Strasbourg, Agence Culturelle Grand Est. Financial help : DRAC Grand Est and Région Grand Est.