danse - performance - pédagogie du mouvement
Cie Muutos
La Compagnie de Foudre et d'Eau
Claire Hurpeau
Claire was born in Strasbourg, France in 1983. She started dance in Brittany in 2005, putting down roots in New Dance, Contact-Improvisation, and Butoh Dance through following intensive workshops. She also nourishes her stage vocabulary with Body Mind Centering, Argentine Tango and Theatrical Clowning.
From 2010 to 2012 she trained at the Bewegungs-art professional education Dance School in Freiburg, Germany, developing great skills in New Dance, Improvisation and Performance. In June 2013 she assisted the co-directors of Bewegungs-art in coaching the students of the school in their creative process of building their final pieces.
From September 2013 to January 2014, Claire has been a member of the group performing for Sasha Wlatz's exhibition Installations-Objects-Performances in ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany. She has also been a member of the Butoh Group led by Gyohei Zaïtsu. This group performed its first creation Today is the last and the first day of the world in Freiburg, Germany, in November 2013.
Over the last years she performed regularly, improvising alone or with other dancers in various places such as galleries and theaters or in the street.
Claire started to choreograph in 2010 and since then has been regularly producing short pieces. Last summer she presented her solo Go Dirndl! at STOFF festival in Stockholm, and the solo ssQnTt as well as the duet Promenade Nocturne at the Solo-Duo festival in Cologne.
In January 2014 she created the quintett Vibrant Landscapes for the Young Choreographer session which took place in ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany.
She is yet in the process of finalizing the long version of her solo Polymorphosis.